

Your Birthday - born 13th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 13th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 13th, May :
People born today are likely to live to great old age in happiness, health and mental alertness. May 13 creatures carry on shining when others fade, yet they often live hard and don't take particular care of their health. Although they have Taureans' large appetites, these time-blessed children possess more self-control than their star siblings. They adore to eat, but stick to healthy, homemade sandwiches and honey rather than sugar. They like to drink, but not every day and not very often to excess. They may ride a motorbike, but not so fast and always with a good quality helmet. When they are tired, they put their feet up. And most of them have extremely relaxing hobbies, which fascinate them and always keep them busy. Many Taureans are skilled with their hands. They play music, which is excellent for health. Why do you think so many great conductors are 80 and look 50? They like to carve, or paint. And many of the women are brilliant at textile design, sewing and tapestry or embroidery. Indeed, their houses are full of brilliant shimmering creations, which gives their surroundings magical calm. These are not the bungee jumpers of the zodiac. From an early age May 13 makes sure to make and keep their money. They don't worry about work politics, don't have sleepless nights about who will win promotion. They just lie in bed adding up their possessions and working out the next financial move. Like counting sheep, it sends them into a peaceful and dreamless sleep. Well, mostly dreamless. If they do encounter a midnight fantasy, it will usually be the pleasant flying and travelling kind, both of which are thought to be sex dreams. So they wake up refreshed. Most of them end up owning their own unmortgaged house, having spent their life with one partner. If they have gambled a little, they mostly won more than a little. They're just lucky.
Body :

May 13 needs to watch the weight, and usually does so quite efficiently. Most people born on this day get to know what suits their body and what doesn't. Many become a dab hand at the quick, healthy sandwich for lunch, something they have made themselves and therefore know what has gone into it. Excellent slimmer's sandwiches include tuna, celery, nuts and cottage cheese filling on thin slices of brown wholemeal bread, or a delicious mixture of cooked chicken, whole berry cranberry sauce, with a little orange juice on the same thin, brown bread. Good health.
Mind :

If you can't get out into fresh air and green countryside each day, the next best thing is to close your eyes and simply imagine that you are walking on a sunny, green hillside.

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